ALIBRATE is the perfect app for anyone who loves reading and wants to review books or discover new recommendations based on reviews from other users with similar tastes. On this social network, you can find tons of people who love reading as much as you do and want to share their opinions, too.
The first thing you have to do to use ALIBRATE is to create your profile. Mention your favorite genres and writers, and the app will offer suggestions based on your preferences. Once you're using the app, you can find books you're reading or have already read and rated them. Give it a score based on how much you enjoyed reading it, and write a review to help other people decide whether to pick it up.
One of the advantages of using ALIBRATE is that you can discover thousands of new books by author, topic, or even user reviews. Read reviews and visit user profiles to see what else they've read. Check out their lists and preferences, including what they plan to read and what they didn't finish. Enjoy reviews from other users or start a conversation with them by commenting on books in the chatroom.
Finally, this app lets you buy books directly from its own page and download books from the public domain for free, all with just a tap. Check the rankings for top reviews and discover new books to read.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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